
Search for the digital reading room

Our intelligent enterprise search software iFinder enables searches in the digital reading room and quickly provides users with the relevant information - whether historical documents, scientific articles, multimedia teaching material, film material, images or audio carriers.

Information must be be available quickly


The challenge

  • Rapid availability of information: Those responsible for archives in companies and public authorities are faced with the challenge of making digital and digitized archive material efficiently and securely accessible.
  • Complex data landscape: This involves historically evolved and heterogeneous databases that need to be available for quick searches and analyses.
  • High demands on usability: a modern archive must meet the requirements of a wide range of users - from digital natives to baby boomers, from power users to occasional users.

The solution

The use of an intelligent search engine such as iFinder enables archivists to implement complex research requirements.

Practical example: Federal Archives
The Federal Archives' Digital Reading Room recently went live in its first expansion stage and makes digital and digitized archive material intuitively accessible to researchers and interested parties.

Try out the research options with the iFinder - for example when searching for "Berlinale", "Brandenburger Tor" or "Wochenschau".

Test search in the digital reading room

How do you get high quality search results?

Blick in die Glaskugel

High linguistic competence delivers complete and accurate search results

  • Thanks to iFinder's linguistics, users don't have to worry about the wording of their search queries because our software understands the user - in over 30 languages.
  • Complex or simple - the result must be right
    A search for "author" also returns "children's book author" or "team of authors", not "car radio". "Bundestagswahl", "Wahl-Spot" or "Wahlbeteiligung" are hits when searching for "Wahl"
  • Larger, smaller or the same... ? 
    Conversion and search by units, no problem: "Display 5 inch" also returns hits for "4.8 inch" or "diagonal of 12 cm" - available for more than 50 units.
Bibliothek Atrium

Archive search redefined: Full text and metadata for precise results

  • Our innovative software not only determines the search results on the basis of the full text, but also takes metadata and context information into account
  • Intelligent filters provide users with a quick overview of large databases.
  • A user-friendly interface gives users intuitive access to digital content.

Your benefits


Proven standard product: Benefit from the rapid integration capability of our search solution into existing digital reading rooms.

Icon Suche & Analyse

Excellent linguistics: Offer your users optimum search results through the use of intelligent linguistic processes.


Can be used in any sector: Our iFinder is an all-rounder and is used in the archives of companies, state institutions, foundations, church or political organizations.

Icon Glühbirne

Future-proof solution: With the iFinder, you are optimally equipped for data growth and further expansion stages (e.g. integration of additional types of archive material).

What our customers say

"As part of our digitalization project, we evaluated several search systems. The iFinder impressed us by delivering the most precise hits to our test questions."

Project Manager "Digital Reading Room", Public Sector

MAnn mit Brille
With the Digital Reading Room, we are opening a new chapter in the Federal Archives for anyone interested in history and stories. We are not only strengthening the digitalization and preservation of our holdings, but also making them visible and even easier to access. Our film heritage is the first step, but in the future, we want to set standards for the digital use of our sources in the interests of our users.

Prof. Dr. Michael Hollmann

President of the Federal Archives
Arbeitsplatz mit Fokus auf Brille

We are happy to advise you

Talk to an IntraFind expert and find out why customers from industry and public administration rely on us.

Arrange a demo appointment with us, which we will tailor perfectly to your individual needs.
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Consent can be withdrawn at any time.

Detailed information can be found in our privacy policy.  

More about current archive projects and the role of linguistics

Bibliothek Atrium

Easy Research in the Digital Reading Room

Manuel Brunner, historian and search engine specialist, explains how iFinder supports archivists.
Read blog
Das Bundesarchiv

Federal Archives: Digital research in the archive made easy

In the long term, the Digital Reading Room will create a comprehensive portal for researching and using archive material from the Federal Archives. The Federal Archives are implementing the project together with IntraFind as service provider and software manufacturer.
Read customer reference

Linguistics plugin for Elasticsearch and OpenSearch

Semantic linguistic analysis for better search results.

Download data sheet